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Being Thankful


As we gather together to celebrate Thanksgiving, it is important to reflect on the true essence of this holiday and express gratitude for our blessings. Thanksgiving is not just about indulging in a delicious meal or finding the best deals on Black Friday—it is a day to be mindful of the abundance in our lives and to cultivate a spirit of thankfulness.
In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, taking the time to acknowledge the things we are grateful for can be a powerful practice. Gratitude is not merely a virtue; it is a transformative state of mind that can bring about immense joy and contentment. When we shift our focus from what we lack to what we have, we open the door to a more fulfilling and enriching existence.
On this Thanksgiving, let us remember to be grateful for the simple pleasures that often go unnoticed. Let us appreciate the warmth of our homes, the nourishment on our tables, and the love that surrounds us. These seemingly ordinary things are the foundation of a meaningful life. By acknowledging and cherishing them, we honor the essence of this holiday.
Moreover, let us express gratitude for the people who enrich our lives—the ones who stand by us through thick and thin. Our loved ones are an invaluable source of support, encouragement, and companionship. They are the ones who lend a listening ear when we need it most, lift us up when we fall, and share in our triumphs. Thanksgiving is an ideal occasion to let them know how much we cherish their presence and appreciate their unwavering love.
In addition to basking in personal gratitude, let us not forget to be thankful for the world we inhabit. The beauty of nature, the wonders of the universe, and the interconnectedness of life are all marvels that deserve our appreciation. As we reflect on the grandeur of our surroundings, let us strive to be mindful stewards of this planet, nurturing and honoring it for future generations to enjoy.
Ultimately, being thankful on Thanksgiving goes beyond a simple expression of gratitude. It is an opportunity to cultivate a grateful heart, to shift our perspective, and to embrace the abundance that exists all around us. By doing so, we not only enhance our own well-being, but we also radiate positivity and inspire others to embrace the same mindset.
So, as we come together to celebrate this Thanksgiving, let us take a moment to pause and offer our heartfelt thanks. Let us honor the blessings bestowed upon us, acknowledge the people who make our lives richer, and nurture a spirit of gratitude that extends far beyond this special day. For it is in cultivating thankfulness that we discover the true essence of a fulfilled and purposeful life.

Grateful, Thankful And Blessed

I’m grateful that I have the ability and means to put a site together that has grown to be more impressive and transformative than I have ever thought possible leading me through this journey and being able to adress the issues at hand. By bring the subjects forward it has allowed me to clear some deep routed thoughts feeling and old ancestral karma to the surface as a way to heal wound that are unseen but stand in the way of something more beautiful at the end of this journey. As I gain on union everyday instead of being miles apart even though we physically live in the same area our belief system and how we lived life were at opposite ends of the spectrum. Finding a balance to make life work better for both of us is the goal right now. How that looks in the future will be yet to be seen.

I’m Thankful for all the people that have visited the site in the past year and endured the challenges we face on the journey. Know that I’m here and ready willing and able to be your guide through the coming year as I intend to make this more of a business because peoples mental health and well-being is utmost important to me as a nurse, know one fights through this alone here at TwinFlame Coaching of Central New York and am looking forward to a Happier, Healthier, New Year 2024. Changes are coming to bring you some innovative ways to maintain your Vibrational alignment with partnerships to other companies allowing me to bring the best products to you on your journey.

Blessed: to say the least I’m been truly blessed to become a coach with wellness as my goal for every twin flame person wether in seperation or union because we posses some challenges that health care professions have yet to learn about. This journey has been as much a continuing education journey as well for my nursing and body knowledge. Being Able to treat someones soul is a higher calling that I embrace every single day. I have also been Blessed with Twin Girls that will be here in March of 2024. Being a Grandparent is going to be a new challenge as we face big challenges with advanced technology, and Voting for Freedom in the 2024 elections.

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