Identify the source
Looking for the source of it with in yourself is a good step in the right direction for not repeating it in the future. Through introspection you may just find a source you didn’t even know was there. Bringing out your inner demon and clearing it away is a process that needs to be completed if you ever experienced violence on any level. Your soul may of been through different warrior type situations and developed a demon on the inside Bring it to the surface takes some deep clearing and after I cleared it the fear based energy subsided from my twin. Looking through you childhood may bring out some of the fights you witnessed but where blocks created to you love path and needed to be cleared. Fighting with a spouse or ex romantic partner creates a pattern in your brain that when a subject comes up may trigger a reaction that is from deep within you. Working with meditiation and clearing out layers of blocks that are deep rooted in our souls is how we move forward to a better tomorrow .

Block clearing
Deep meditation was how I was able to clear away my demons and past issues with violence even though I am more of a loving caring person women would trigger things within me that would bring past issues to the surface. I did some nacasistic abuse clearing with guided meditation for 5 days start a one point to help with clearing a domestic violence issue that was brought up. So some place with in me there was a source of it that needed to be cleared to get the negative energy out of my system. Working tirelessly to clear my blocks on a daily bases has lead me to find some deep rooted problems that have plagued people for generations.

Coaching you through my own experiences
8 years of digging deep through my chakra’s has led me to find multiple ways to remove the blocks associated with this twin flame journey and with the love and support of your family friends and twin flame you to can bring out the best in yourself by clearing away all the baggage that we carry within our souls and subconscious mind. Some of the meditations sessions clear away 50 -100 block at a time dependent on the length of mediation session. shorter time frame bring out less blocks than say a 90 min session would bring out. And it all boils down to how much time and effort you put in to clearing yourself . If you have negative energy to clear to get your self ready now before your twin flame shows up and makes you start dealing with them will help are society in the long run by lowering the incidents of violence.