Vibrational alignment while you sleep, less time being aligned manually.
The BioMat is a “pad” which lies on top of a massage table or your home mattress. It converts electricity through an EMI device (Electromagnetic Interceptor), which then passes through a computerized control panel with 9 variable heat settings, into Far Infrared Rays (FIR), and Negative Ions. These two components, Negative Ions and Far Infrared Rays, are transferred through Amethyst Quartz channels which cover the entire surface of the BioMat. Amethyst also produces naturally occurring far infrared waves. These frequencies penetrate 6 inches into the innermost recesses of the body, stimulating the healing process. This Supports the Immune System and aides the body in reducing inflammation, increases blood flow and tissue oxygenation and promotes relaxation and a restful sleep. This accelerates and deepens all healing processes. The BioMat can be used to achieve the benefits of a sauna, allowing more customized temperature regulation without the hazards of heating the head or the negative EMF exposure commonly found in many traditional saunas or heating devices. The Amethyst Crystals promote increased conduction and absorption of FIR and Negative Ions. The BioMat represents the highest quality & comfort in a portable pad suitable for your home or clinic setting.
This technology is being used in spas and professional practitioner’s offices all over the world. Physical therapists, chiropractors and acupuncturists are realizing the benefits for their clients. So start today by being proactive about your health and wellbeing. A good night’s sleep or a mere 25 minute nap on the BioMat, can go a long way to ensuring that the years ahead of you will be healthier, enabling you to be more active and enjoy life’s journey to its fullest!
Biomat 7000mx Technology
Biomat Professional
Orgone BioMat
BioMat Single Size
BioMat Queen & King Sizes

Bio Mat
Can be used as your meditation mat or just lay it on your favorite chair as a cushion. With these mats they are FDA approved for treating chronic fatigue, stress related injuries, and so much more. I like them to aid the twin flame community with there vibrational alignment while we sleep they has sizes that fit all sizes of beds from single to kids size mattress . Click below for the full story!!!
One stone which is of unique importance is the amethyst. The amethyst is a form of quartz having a wide variety of violet hues owing to traces of manganese and other elements within its structure. It is a stone which has been prized by royalty down through the ages, and many consider it to be a regal stone. Esoteric sources consider amethyst to belong to the divine order of the Violet Flame of Transmutation, because it is a gem which represents the process of alchemy, whether of a physical, emotional or spiritual nature.
Amethyst is powerful in its energizing and transmutational powers because it works at the triune levels of the physical, emotional and spiritual planes. It can assist in the transformation of habits, speech, thought processes and emotional feelings from expressions of the lower personality into manifestations of our inner divine nature.
The amethyst can transmute and purify energy from a lower to a higher spiritual level. It repels those energies which would be considered of a negative nature. The quality of amethyst is to purify and amplify all healing rays of subtle energy.
Because of its higher vibratory rate, the amethyst is more directly connected to the life-force of all things. Because of its violet hue, it is also associated with energies of the ultraviolet spectrum. Researchers have only recently discovered that ultraviolet light has an intimate connection to the process of cellular replication. The violet color itself is one of purification, through which many impurities may be filtered out.
Because the amethyst is associated with the flow of the life-force, it is able to affect the blood vessels and arteries which carry this energy through the medium of the bloodstream. It is able to act as a subtle-energy filter for the forces of the bloodstream, especially when placed over a blood vessel such as an artery. In working with the blood, the amethyst works through the etheric body as opposed to a particular chakra.
Vibrational Medicine
Richard Gerber, M.D.
Vibrational Medicine QUOTE
“The health, healing and well-being of the total planet are within the capabilities of this stone of great nobility. Encapsulated within the core of the amethyst is the vibration of love; it is that which blends all areas of the body and the being together. It has the ability to transmute pain into pleasure, and break into harmony. It has the ability to change the molecular structure of things.”
The Spiritual Values of Gemstones
W. Richardson and L. Huett